Wednesday, March 5, 2014

One Month!

One month! Today (well, yesterday, internet was being true to AT&T standards last night) marks one month since we first set foot in our lovely new home, all the way on the other side of the world.

I have a Week One, Two and Three post to post retroactively, along with Photo a Day posts, but thought I’d hold out and do the one month one first as it seems to be quite an important milestone.

This month we have managed quite a lot, as you’ll see in the retroactive posts!

This week, after a month of using a blow up bed, and developing various aches and pains as result, we are finally getting a bed delivered! It is a good quality king size pillow top with box spring base and was a great bargain at $799. The children have had their twin/ single size mattresses since we got here but will be also getting their box springs in the delivery. I’m so happy about this! I really like having a good bed and am very, very fed up with our blow up, despite it being a really rather good quality one. It also makes me irrationally happy that we all have the exact same bed, only in different sizes. They arrive Wednesday.

We wanted to be careful with the cost of the beds as we have exactly zero furniture and because of the huge saving on the bed, it was over 50% off, we were able to pick up a lounge and dining room table, a luxury we thought was still a while down the track. These items are being delivered Friday and I’ll be very, very glad to be rid of the four camp chairs we are using at the moment, two borrowed from neighbours and two bought from Walmart for $10 apiece. These may also be a source of the various aches and pains, they are certainly the source of the numerous blobs of caked on food I’ve been scrubbing off daily as the children struggle to sit in them and hold their plates of food. The lounge is a very cheap bonded leather one, and I think I counted five times I said to the salesman “I’m buying this cheaply on purpose. I will be getting rid of it in two years. I don’t want you to add $170 in warranties.”

We also managed to pick up some book shelves for $16 each so now the toys are neatly placed on shelves instead of all over my floor, so we are very happy with our little home right now. We’re still hoping to buy a BBQ for summer, but are otherwise extremely happy to have some more concrete and comfortable furniture. 

This week we also decided not to ship the animals for another month. It was about $1500 more expensive than we anticipated (we’re working on that, hopefully it’ll be more in the ball park of what we thought) and the crazy weather is persisting, with ice and snow yesterday. So we’ve decided April and true spring is the way to go.  We miss them horribly but it’s the right thing for us and the right thing for them. At the end of the day, we could have skipped the dining table, gone with the cheapest quote and had them here in a few weeks but the weather, and the cheapest quote, are rather dubious and they are extremely happy where they are and it really is just a couple more weeks.

In other news, we found a soccer club for the children and they’ll start within the fortnight, hopefully and Lily commenced a community ballet class. It’s a bit of a flop so we’re investigating schools. Next is swim classes. Archer is obsessed with basketball, so he’ll start that around his third birthday. Lily has been discussing doing “’nastics” but we’re hoping to convince her to do cheer leading instead, as we think this is the better sport for her. They frequently ask to go back to kindy, but we’re holding off until the new school year.  

On Friday we are having a housewarming of sorts, inspired by my ability to pick up a lamb roast from Costco and my eagerness almost any day to cook pumpkin soup. I’m also trying my hand at a pavlova. Two of the neighbor families are coming and it promises to be a fun night.

At the end of our first month, I can truly say that this is one of the best things we have ever done. We love our home, we love our neighbours, we love our community and we’re all very, very happy. 

I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year holds!

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