Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Parents of newborns

Why are parents of newborns so crazy? I mean genuinely out of their trees?

Bob and I have been going through Lily's photos, culling and re-foldering etc and we have discovered something that never ever dawned on us 7 months ago.

Our newborn, like most, was ugly.

Skinny, reddy-orange and often possessive of a stink eye, she looked more alien than human.

But at the time we thought she was the most beautiful thing on earth. Bob claims he was so convinced of our child's beauty he was shocked when each new midwife on the ward didn't shower her with compliments. I wasn't quite so deluded, but I am amazed to look at this tiny baby, who I thought was just amazing and can hardly reconcile her with my beautiful little girl.

We were truly out of our trees. Apparently unconditional love does that.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Sorry about the long hiatus. I spent some of the time writing my Christmas letter and the rest getting ready for Christmas, trying to make sure I would have anything last minute things to do. As of today, it still looks like we're going to be utilising the midnight shop on Thursday night. This is largely because Bob doesn't get home until after 5 most days and Lily likes her bed time routine to start promptly at 6:00pm, thank you very much, limiting shopping time. But now I'm back! I want to write about five posts tonight, but I shall limit it to just two.

I love Christmas. Giving presents, getting presents, cooking, the tree, family, eating excess amounts of food. Even the special sticky heat that DEMANDS you get into a pool. I love it! And I want Lily to love it too. So I have thrown myself into the festive spirit. I even did a Christmas letter, (which I will post a copy of here on Christmas eve) which I SWORE was too corny for the likes of me just a few short months ago. Apparently being a parent turns you corny, amongst other things.

I even introduced turkey into Lily's diet so she could have it Christmas day. And I have been having a great time. I am so excited I can hardly contain it. Even though people keep reminding me that all this will mean next to nothing to Lily this year and possibly next, too, I continue to plough ahead as though she will, and you know what? It's shaping up to be the best Christmas ever!