Why are parents of newborns so crazy? I mean genuinely out of their trees?
Bob and I have been going through Lily's photos, culling and re-foldering etc and we have discovered something that never ever dawned on us 7 months ago.
Our newborn, like most, was ugly.
Skinny, reddy-orange and often possessive of a stink eye, she looked more alien than human.
But at the time we thought she was the most beautiful thing on earth. Bob claims he was so convinced of our child's beauty he was shocked when each new midwife on the ward didn't shower her with compliments. I wasn't quite so deluded, but I am amazed to look at this tiny baby, who I thought was just amazing and can hardly reconcile her with my beautiful little girl.
We were truly out of our trees. Apparently unconditional love does that.
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