Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Best Friends Forever

It's happened. It's finally here. The day I've been dreaming of since the positive pregnancy test with Lily.

My kids are BFFs.

After the hiccup with tandem breastfeeding, I was doubtful that having kids so close together was a good thing. I worried a lot about jealousy being a problem and wondered how my baby would cope with being the "big" kid.

And at first, it really did seem like a bit of a disaster. Lily didn't seem jealous, just indifferent. And prone to whacking his soft spot. And then for a little while, she definitely was jealous, her favourite way of expressing this was to smash her brother on the head with a book while he was feeding. This was roughly about the time he was interested in toys, and there were a few incidents where she would snatch a toy off him and then try to out cry him, as if to explain to me with her limited communication methods that she was the most hard done by in this situation.

Shortly after this, it became evident that it was time Archer moved into his big boy bed in their shared room. I thought this was going to be an unqualified disaster. Lily loves her room, how was she going to go sharing it?

But she was so excited the first night, she could barely sleep. This was over 2 months ago now.

And ever since then, their relationship has come along in leaps and bounds. Especially now that Archer can sit up and is becoming quickly mobile. This week has been the best week so far.

We disposed of our germ factory highchair and got some nice, clean, plastic Fisher Price booster seats for a steal. Cheaper than just one of just about any other booster seat on the market. So now they sit next to each other at the table. Lily and Archer both think this is the greatest thing EVER.

I don't know what the secret joke is, but most meals, at least once, they look at each other and just start giggling. Sometimes, just to give us a glimpse into their secret world, Lily will say "Archie's funny!"

One day, Lily was already seated at dinner when Archer came to the table and Lily exclaimed, "Archie, dinnies is yummy!" and enthusiastically spooned some soup in her mouth to show him it was true. For the record, it was homemade cream of chicken soup and it was bit lack luster, actually. They both ate huge bowls full, though.

At lunch the next day, Archer was taking his time (finger food is tricky sometimes) and Lily went off to play. She just stood there for a bit and then came back to me and in her "I really need to you to listen to this because I mean it" whisper, she said, "Mummy." "Yes Lily?" "Archie's finished."

Gorgeous creature wanted her brother to come and play.

She does this all the time now. She loves him to join in and if we've "forgotten" to include him, she will remind us.

"Mummy, Archie's painting."
"Daddy, Archie shower."
"Mummy! Daddy! Archie swimming!" (a stinking adorable example from Saturday).

And he is just as into her. In the morning they have cuddles and at night they kiss each other goodnight. 90% of the time completely voluntarily.

It melts my heart. I hope that they stay this way forever, my beautiful, lovable babies.

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