Friday, February 11, 2011

1000s of Kisses

I really like to kiss Lily. I must do it a hundred times a day or more. This might sound like an exaggeration, but it is not.

From a quick kiss on the head as I run past her while she sits on her play mat between loads of washing, to kissing her hands as she reaches up to touch my face while we play, to kissing her all over her tummy while she lies in bed with me in the morning, or kissing her all over her face and neck, just because it is fun.

I am lucky, because Lily likes to be kissed. Kissing her rapid fire anywhere on her body illicits the most delightful giggle bubbles and kissiing her on her face and hands helps her to relax when she is sad or tired, and feet kissing is just a fun way to play, and she often initiates this.

Lily also likes to kiss. Well, we call it kissing. It involves her grabbing your hair and yanking you forward as hard she can, opening her mouth as wide as it goes and pressing it against your cheek or nose, licking and biting. In truth, it's gross, and a little painful. But everyone laughs and we say "Oh, thank you for the kisses!" and, after all, she can't see the winces of pain.

1 comment:

  1. awwww.
    Laura is a kiss dodger. lol.
    Enjoy them while you can!! :)
